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Magister managementa v upravi/magistrica managementa v upravi
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Magister managementa v upravi/magistrica managementa v upraviAdd to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Master of Arts in management in administration |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Master’s degree |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Master's education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
2 years
Credits | Credits: 120 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
Business, administration and law
ISCED subfield | subfield: inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 8 |
- understand and apply theory and practice from four mutually linked fields that are fundamental to modern administration (administration and law,, economics, organisation and IT, and management),
- critically analyse problems and synthesise knowledge and findings in the field of management in administration,
- make decisions in complex and unexpected situations,
- independently and autonomously resolve the most complex professional and scientific problems in the fields of administration and law, economics, organisation and IT, and management,
- integrally exploit the possibilities of information and communication technology in the form of e-administration and formulate requests and problems in a form that is suitable for an e-administration environment,
- take initiative, and personal and professional responsibility,
- comprehensively grasp and understand issues in the public sector and the role and responsibility of management to ensure long-term effectiveness and success of the public sector,
- independently learn using modern aids (e-learning) and collaborate in development, and independently develop individual electronic learning content,
- lead and direct subordinates with an emphasis on personal and career development based on inclusion in lifelong learning with an emphasis on e-learning,
- live in a different cultural environment and accept and understand the differences between the two cultures,
- understand public administration systems in the countries of partner universities, the European Union and other countries, formulate a comparative overview and recognise good practices suitable for a given environment,
- independently apply knowledge on the categories and types of European Union integration processes, especially in the area of institutions and material law,
- plan and implement strategic changes, apply techniques of strategic planning and implement associated concepts (New Public Management, TQM),
- understand the issue of budget financing and forms of privatisation of the public sector,
- implement new approaches for financing and entrepreneurial operation of public sector organisations,
- understand the issue of and establish and maintain long-term relationships with the external and internal environment,
- identify and implement strategic and operational activities in deciding on the handling of public relations,
- understand the phenomenon of e-administration and integrate knowledge from different fields with the aim of contributing to the development and effective use of e-administration,
- understand the essential characteristics of human resources management, its European perspectives and the processes of changing this field in the European Union,
- plan and implement new organisational forms and approaches in human resources management,
- demonstrate a knowledge of the concepts of protecting data on human resources and identify strategic and operational aspects of the importance of personal data in deciding on human resources,
- understand the concept and importance of competences and principles for designing a competence model and competence profiles, recognise needs and plan, implement and manage competences,
- identify strategic and tactical needs regarding human resources in administration, create models to satisfy these needs and handle HR management processes associated with employee careers,
- manage and further develop and grow management skills,
- plan and implement changes through proactive management of resistance to change in the public sector,
- create awareness of the possibilities for renewal and computerisation of business processes in ensuring the effectiveness and success of operations and competitive advantages in administration,
- use approaches and tools for modelling, analysis and simulation of business processes with the aim of renewal and computerisation,
- understand computer law and its role in the application of new technology, apply and implement computer law in resolving problems in the public sector,
- analyse the state of IT in administration for strategic planning of development, apply relevant approaches and techniques of strategic planning of IT in administration,
- solve problems in the area of establishing, managing, using and maintaining databases and other IT resources in organisations,
- understand the issue of business intelligence and its application in solving complex problems and decision-making,
- understand and apply conventional and object-oriented models and approaches to analyse and logically project IT systems and databases,
- plan and implement changes through proactive management of resistance to change in the public sector,
- understand the system and functioning of European Union funds and exploit the possibility for financing projects and programmes at the regional and local level,
- use models, methods and techniques of modern management in a local self-government setting,
- understand the functioning of public finance and different practices of financing the local level in different countries of the world, check, analyse and interpret the functioning of local public finance in the world and compare this with the system in their country,
- create awareness of the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of long-term, medium-term and short-term investment plans, use tools for comprehensive evaluation of investment and compare this with others, take optimal decisions based on evaluation results,
- understand the main organisational forms of public services (public company and public institute) and the issue of public authorisation, concessions and public-private partnership,
- analyse public services and decide on the formulation or reformulation of public services depending on the circumstances in a given environment,
- understand the issue of protecting the environment and ecological management, make strategic environmental protection plans , analyse ecological problems and decide on how to solve them,
- successfully plan and implement quality and integral quality management, understand quality models and their implementation in administrative practice,
- understand and apply quantitative methods in solving the most complex problems in the area of quality in administration and develop new knowledge and that basis,
- demonstrate familiarity with and mastery of techniques and methods of quality management, apply appropriate methods in solving problems and in carrying out tasks in administration,
- understand the system and model of standardisation and the implementation of standards in administration as part of the integral management of quality in administration,
- strategically plan for environmental protection, and analyse ecological problems and decide on how to solve them,
- create awareness of the possibilities for renewal and computerisation of business processes in ensuring the effectiveness and success of operations, competitive advantages and methodological approaches in administration.
Students may progress to the next year if by the end of the academic year they have completed all requirements defined by the study programme for progression to the next year.
Magister managementa v upravi/magistrica managementa v upravi
The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja ekonomskih in poslovnih ved
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja javne uprave
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja managementa znanja
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja organizacije in managementa informacijskih sistemov
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja poslovne ekonomije
SQF 10 / EQF 8
Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)
Students must meet all requirements defined by the study programme to complete their studies.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organisational Sciences
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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