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Magister ekonomskih in poslovnih ved/magistrica ekonomskih in poslovnih ved
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Magister ekonomskih in poslovnih ved/magistrica ekonomskih in poslovnih vedAdd to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Master of Arts in economics and business |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Master’s degree |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Master's education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
2 years
Credits | Credits: 120 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
Business, administration and law
ISCED subfield | subfield: inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 8 |
- master broad, analytical and integrative knowledge of business and management,
- understand the functioning of organisations, especially on the strategic and integrated business level, in their environment, and the manner of their administration and management, and the development of a basis for them to compete in the market,
- comprehensively understand the relationships and connections between processes and people and on different levels of operation of the organisation and in different business situations (in international markets, in the context of strategic links, in a crisis, in project management etc.),
- understand the effects of the external environment (global/local environment in all its dimensions) on various levels (social, ecological, financial etc.) on the functioning and management of organisations of various sizes and in the context of an ethically responsive system,
- possess knowledge of management (processes, procedures, the practices of effective management in organisations), especially on the strategic level and in the context of various ownership structures and models, knowledge of decision-making in organisations and so forth,
- possess knowledge and understanding of market mechanisms, institutions, concepts and forms of response and of the impact of business and other (e.g. government, non-profit) entities on events in the wider environment,
- use modern information technology in the process of management,
- show capacity for comprehensive and critical thinking and understanding, and capacity for analysis and synthesis,
- apply modern concepts and models to diagnose and solve problems (decision-making) on the company level or in the wider society (e.g. economic regulation) with the support of modern quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis and assessment,
- communicate effectively verbally and in writing, especially in the context of formal research approaches and clarification of complex economic and business phenomena,
- comprehensively analyse, interpret and use analytical methods and models,
- effectively use information and communication technology,
- understand the diversity and complexity of economic events in a dynamic environment,
- independently plan and conduct research in the field of business operations, management and economics,
- understand the broader dimensions of management and its setting, especially the European, technological and ethical dimensions,
- continue an academic type of education in doctoral programmes that require fundamental prior knowledge of economics,
- conduct managerial work in public administration, companies and educational organisations, work at the highest and also middle-management levels in public institutions, public companies and public administration and in all positions requiring a high level of expertise in the field of optimal systems management,
- analyse and address national economic issues and also problems in the operation of companies, especially on the strategic level,
- perform high-quality analysis and synthesis and envisage solutions and master methods and procedures that are necessary for research work, critical assessment and for decision-making,
- demonstrate autonomy in work,
- create research groups or at least cooperate in them, shape and head management teams including in large companies regardless of the sector of operation,
- communicate with international partners, irrespective of whether it involves researchers or managers,
- understand and assess the potential of the modern profession for analysis and solving of economic issues,
- analyse general economic and business challenges, and especially solve macroeconomic problems,
- independently coordinate the solving of complex financial problems,
- perform analyses using scientific methods and apply their results in practice,
- study on the doctoral level,
- critically evaluate the applicability of financial methods and their results,
- use established standards of knowledge in the financial discipline,
- include financial knowledge to support successful business decisions,
- document, analyse and evaluate various practices in the financial discipline,
- use research and development findings for the requirements of own practices, and seek new findings based on own research,
- independently analyse complex practical problems in a professional way,
- successfully plan, implement and supervise financial decisions,
- cooperate in the development of financial decisions,
- demonstrate personal professional integrity and operate in line with professional ethics,
- collaborate with experts in the field of finances and other professional fields,
- manage IT as a business function,
- analyse IT problems in organisations, plan solutions to these problems,
- organise and supervise activities in IT organisational units and in IT projects,
- select and apply analytical and research approaches in the field of business IT,
- manage business fields in e-business conditions,
- analyse strategic potentials of e-business and problems in the field of computerisation of organisations,
- plan and implement highly complex organisational and IT solutions in the area of e-business,
- select and apply analytical and research approaches in the field of e-business,
- master the competitive functioning of management in business and other organisations in the conditions of the globalised world,
- creatively and innovatively formulate proposals for the management development of organisations and their appropriate evaluation,
- define the rationale, purposes and objectives of operations and create comprehensive management and organisational solutions to achieve them,
- implement comprehensive analyses of management and organisation and formulate proposals for introducing changes to the structure of operation,
- define important principles, fundamental factors, relationships between factors and relationships between factors and the environment for business and other organisations from the aspect of management and organisation,
- solve problems concerning the creation, construction and introduction of modern organisational and management solutions in the basic, IT and administrative process of the organisation,
- plan, organise, lead and control the functioning of entire organisations and/or parts of organisations (e.g. processes, organisational units) for which they are responsible,
- appropriately create and lead organisations in various conditions of operation (e.g. crisis, development, merger, acquisition),
- develop and modify business processes in organisations,
- appropriately apply modern information technology in the process of management and organisation,
- perform managerial and advisory work in the field of human resources,
- independently resolve the most complex technical problems in the field of human resources management that require an advanced and scientific approach to defining problems and searching for the optimal solutions,
- conceptualise the strategic aspect of human resources and ensure its inclusion in the global strategy of the organisation, and in so doing take into account the impact of cultural and other dimensions of the environment,
- apply modern scientific and research methods in the area of team work, motivation, development of creativity, overcoming stress, negotiating and resolving conflict, organising personal work, managing time and taking responsibility for effective design of all activities of human resources management in domestic and international circumstances in line with socially acceptable and ethically upright action,
- apply complex methods of scientific research and sophisticated tools for deciding and analysing in the field of strategic marketing,
- understand the impacts of the global economy and its impacts on the operation of organisations,
- lead complex processes in the field of strategic marketing, strategic marketing communication, strategic procurement and sales and post-sales services,
- independently plan and implement demanding scientific research tasks in various fields of marketing management and management of profit and non-profit organisations,
- solve complex interdisciplinary problems in the field of business functions in organisations using methods of critical thinking,
- head interdisciplinary teams in the field of individual marketing disciplines,
- use innovative approaches in professional and research work with the support of modern information and communication technology,
- plan and lead highly complex operations and negotiations in the local and international environment,
- apply knowledge in practice,
- generate new ideas,
- analyse and synthesise,
- adapt to new circumstances,
- operate in interdisciplinary groups,
- manage interpersonal relationships,
- show an ethical commitment,
- master basic computer skills,
- research,
- apply methods of scientific research and complex technical means (tools) for deciding and analysing in the field of international economic issues on the macro and micro level,
- understand the complexity of the global economy and its impacts on economic and business processes in society,
- head complex processes of planning, development and management in the field of international management, international finance and complex forms of international business,
- plan and implement challenging analytical and scientific research tasks in various fields of international economics in economic, analytical and research, advisory and other service institutions involved in the study of international economic phenomena on the macro and micro levels,
- solve complex interdisciplinary problems in the field of international economics on the basis of critical thinking and seeking creative solutions,
- heading professional teams in the field of research and management processes in the selected professional field,
- operate according to the principles of socially responsible actions and professional ethics and in a multicultural setting,
- apply innovative and highly complex approaches in professional and research work with the support of modern information and communication technology,
- plan and lead highly complex tasks and business of organisations in the area of integration into international economic currents,
- demonstrate professional communication and flexibility,
- generate new ideas and modify them into innovations (new benefit),
- multifunctional competence,
- identify and assess business opportunities,
- critically face theory and entrepreneurial practice,
- organise resources for new undertakings,
- conduct independent research in the area of enterpreneurshipand innovation,
- think critically and research independently,
- make entrepreneurial decisions,
- show respect for diversity and multiculturalism,
- learn and apply knowledge in practice,
- perform qualitative and quantitative assessment,
- apply analytical concepts and tools,
- cooperate in an interdisciplinary team,
- work creatively and pursue critical study and writing,
- face up to different theoretical concepts,
- show an ethical commitment in business operations and in research,
- demonstrate integral thinking, decision-making and functioning in a formulated business context,
- demonstrate professional and functional flexibility and business effectiveness,
- demonstrate mastery of an advanced and broad knowledge of business and general economics,
- learn for continuous enhancement of knowledge in terms of the professional requirements of those in charge of knowledge in business life,
- master modern methodological knowledge in the fields of accounting, auditing and taxation,
- solve business problems in commercial and non-commercial organisations without limit,
- understand global business and other processes in the world,
- pursue autonomous and equal professional collaboration with experts at home and abroad,
- head expert teams in solving business problems in commercial and non-commercial organisations,
- trigger, solve and implement changes in business life,
- apply knowledge in practice,
- generate new ideas,
- demonstrate basic knowledge of the profession,
- analyse and synthesise,
- adapt to new circumstances,
- operate in interdisciplinary groups,
- be critical and self-critical,
- show an ethical commitment,
- communicate verbally and in writing in their native language,
- research,
- perform highly complex professional and managerial work in the fields of strategic and project management and management of companies and other organisations,
- search for new sources of knowledge in the relevant professional and academic field,
- apply modern interdisciplinary scientific research methods and solve problems in new, atypical situations and changed circumstances,
- take responsibility for managing highly complex operating systems and create effective work teams to resolve the most complex technical problems in the relevant professional field and in the context of socially responsible and ethically correct behaviour,
- manage and strategically lead companies and other organisations,
- convert the development strategies of profit and non-profit organisations into projects,
- design project implementation models,
- organise successful project operation in project-oriented organisations,
- plan business project outcomes,
- include risk management in the management and implementation of a project,
- formulate projects for the development of products and services regardless of the type of organisation,
- formulate new solutions in the field of organising projects and project management in various organisational settings,
- perform the internationally standardised professions of “project programme director”, “project manager” and “head of project”,
- perform other tasks as part of integral project organisation,
- apply quantitative methods of managing organisations in public ownership,
- perform financial administration and management of organisations in public ownership,
- perform strategic controlling of organisations in public ownership,
- perform marketing of organisations in public ownership,
- perform administration and strategic management of organisations in public ownership,
- communicate, motivate and resolve conflicts,
- manage IT,
- apply organisational theory,
- strategically manage human resources,
- make the entire range of decisions in the field of management,
- implement and apply the results of analysis in practice using scientific methods,
- analyse complex practical problems in a professional way,
- plan and implement comprehensive management solutions,
- create and lead public organisations in various conditions of operation,
- understand the complexity of global management and its impact on business and economic processes in society,
- manage companies,
- computerise the operation of companies at the strategic level,
- perform financial administration and management of companies,
- demonstrate business ethics and an organisational culture,
- conduct strategic marketing and marketing of services,
- strategically manage human resources,
- communicate, motivate and resolve conflicts,
- take administrative decisions on the level of the entire company,
- head companies in modern conditions of local and global operation,
- head expert teams in solving problems in organisations,
- independently plan and implement demanding scientific research tasks in various fields of corporate governance and management and their transfer to business practice.
Students must complete requirements from the first year totalling 45 credits to progress to the second year.
Magister ekonomskih in poslovnih ved/magistrica ekonomskih in poslovnih ved
The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja ekonomskih in poslovnih ved
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja javne uprave
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja managementa znanja
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja organizacije in managementa informacijskih sistemov
Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja poslovne ekonomije
SQF 10 / EQF 8
Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)
Students must meet all requirements defined by the study programme to complete their studies.
University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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