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Magister hispanistike/magistrica hispanistike
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Magister hispanistike/magistrica hispanistikeAdd to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Master of Arts in Hispanic studies |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Master’s degree |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Master's education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
2 years
Credits | Credits: 120 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
Arts and humanities
ISCED subfield | subfield: language acquisition |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 8 |
The qualification holder will be able to:
General competences:
- communicate orally and in writing at an advanced level,
- work as part of a team,
- independently acquire knowledge and expertise,
- pursuing lifelong learning in a knowledge-based society,
- analyse, synthesise and anticipate solutions and consequences at an advanced level,
- develop own research approaches and a focus on problem-solving,
- use information and communication technologies,
- demonstrate mastery of research methods, procedures and processes,
- demonstrate critical and self-critical judgement,
- demonstrate a capacity for ethical reflection and a commitment to professional ethics,
- work autonomously within the discipline,
- react in conflict situations,
- develop a critical intellect.
Subject-specific competences:
- ability to work in a multilingual and multicultural environment;
- ability to critically evaluate literary works at a higher level;
- ability to respond professionally in socially, culturally and ethnically diverse environments with knowledge
- knowledge of Spanish-speaking societies (history, geography, political science, culture and art, etc.);
- ability to understand all language variants of Spanish;
- ability to synthesize and analyze textual communication processes in society;
- ability to understand the interdependence of the operation of texts from the civilizational-cultural social context at a higher level;
- ability to transfer theoretical descriptions of language into practical work with texts at a higher level;
- ability to solve professional problems at a higher level;
- ability to use methods of scientific research work at a higher level;
- ability of theoretical analysis of translation processes
- ability to use appropriate translation strategies and techniques
- the ability to form an independent view of the status of the translated and translator and translation in general
- ability to use translation tools
- ability to use language technologies at a higher level.
Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).
The conditions for progression under the program are harmonized with 151-153. Article of the Statute of the University of Ljubljana.
In accordance with the decision of the Senate of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana (42nd session of the Senate of the Faculty of Arts of 13 February 2013), the student to progress to a higher year must complete study obligations to the extent that he/she achieves 90 percent of the ECTS prescribed by the syllabus (54 out of 60 ECTS) for an individual year.
Magister hispanistike/magistrica hispanistike
The possible career path within the field of the selected qualification is shown. For the possibility of further education at a higher level, see the 'Transition' tab.
Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)
In order to complete the master's second-cycle study programme in Hispanics, the student must complete all the obligations set out in the study programmme and subject curricula, in the total amount of 120 ECTS.
The student must write and defend a master's thesis in linguistics or literature, as specified in the syllabus (30 ECTS within 120 ECTS).
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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