Name of qualification Name of qualification: Magister managementa/magistrica managementaAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Master of Arts in management
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Master’s degree
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Master's education
Duration Duration of education:
2 years
Credits Credits: 120 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • Diploma in the field of social sciences, law, education, business and administrative sciences, humanities, social work, personal services, transport services and safety in a first-cycle study programme in the amount of 180 credits; or
  • diploma in the field of social sciences, law, education, business and administrative sciences, humanities, social work, personal services, transport services and safety in a three-year undergraduate study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 credits.
ISCED field Field:
Business, administration and law
ISCED subfield subfield: inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 8
EQF Level: EQF 7
EOVK Level: Second level

Learning outcomes:
The qualification holder will be able to:
(general competences)
  • analyse, synthesise and envisage solutions and the consequences of phenomena in the field of management, economics, law and education, 
  • master research methods, procedures and processes in the field of social sciences and develop critical and self-critical assessment in the field of social sciences, 
  • critically and self-critically assess, critically analyse and synthesise and anticipate possible solutions and consequences, 
  • master the organisation as an instrument for achieving goals and as a synergy community of the interests of participants,
  • apply knowledge from the field of management and especially management of knowledge organisations in practice, 
  • demonstrate autonomy in professional work and in making business decisions, 
  • demonstrate a capacity for ethical reflection and a commitment to professional ethics, 
  • work in a management and expert group and patiently receive and incorporate creative criticism and comments,
(subject-specific competences)
  • critically understand fundamental hypotheses and the historical development of the management of knowledge organisations,
  • fully perform the tasks of manager and leader in large, medium and small, profit and non-profit organisations that are based to a significant extent on knowledge,
  • design, analyse, select, develop, integrate and introduce the components of a strategy and policy of knowledge organisations using scientific methods and procedures, 
  • design and set up circumstances that enable and promote the creation of new knowledge in the framework of social processes in organisations, 
  • lead research and development and operational work in large, medium and small organisations based to a significant extent on knowledge,
  • successfully and effectively plan, organise, manage and supervise the operation of an organisation or field (process, subsystem) for which they are responsible, 
  • successfully use modern information and communication technology in the process of management, 
  • perform ethical and socially responsible designing, planning and evaluation of strategic development possibilities of organisations, 
  • design and implement competitive strategies based on an organisation’s know-how.

Assesment and completion:
Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).



Students may progress to the second year if they have accumulated 45 credits from the first year.


Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

Students must meet all requirements defined by the study programme to complete their studies.

Awarding body:

Independent higher education institute, International Faculty of Social and Business Studies


Awarding body URL: