Name of qualification Name of qualification: Višji kozmetik/višja kozmetičarkaAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Higher beautician
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Short cycle higher vocational diploma
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Short cycle higher vocational education
Duration Duration of education:
2 years
Credits Credits: 120 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:

Anyone can enroll in higher education:

  • who has passed the general or vocational matura or has completed the appropriate education according to previous regulations, or
  • who has passed a master's, foreman's or manager's examination, three years of work experience and has passed a test of knowledge in general education subjects to the extent specified for the vocational matura in secondary professional education.
ISCED field Field:
ISCED subfield subfield: hair and beauty services
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 6
EQF Level: EQF 5
EOVK Level: Short cycle

Learning outcomes:

Generic competences:

  • communication skills and the ability to use information and communication technology to effectively support the work and management of documentation and information;
  • ability to communicate with colleagues, professionals and clients;
  • use of Slovene and foreign languages ​​for effective and clear oral and written communication with all users in their work environment;
  • participation in a professional team;
  • the ability to act in the spirit of a healthy lifestyle;
  • protection of health and the environment;
  • understanding cultural diversity;
  • analytical and creative thinking for independent decision-making and solving cosmetic problems through flexible application of knowledge in practice;
  • self-initiative and expression of new ideas, adaptability to new situations, proactive action and focus on self-evaluation and continuous improvement of one's work;
  • ability to set one's own goals, plan and monitor one's own work and the work of others and participate in a team;
  • responsibility for the quality and performance of the work performed and the transfer of knowledge;
  • developing entrepreneurial qualities, skills and behaviors;
  • staff planning, staff education and training, and planning and organization of internal education and training;
  • rational use of energy, materials and time;
  • ethical conduct;
  • taking responsibility for self-learning and for lifelong learning based on critical and ethical self-reflection of one's own thinking and actions.

Vocational-specific competences:

  • recognizing and understanding cosmetic problems;
  • independent planning and implementation of cosmetic skin care or altered skin conditions;
  • monitoring development trends in the field of cosmetics and healthy living;
  • planning and implementation of consulting services in the cosmetic business;
  • counseling for a healthy lifestyle and well-being, with an emphasis on healthy eating, physical and mental activity and personal relaxation;
  • implementation of project work in the fields of cosmetic activity and healthy lifestyle;
  • marketing of cosmetics;
  • exercising supervision over work in a professional team and organization of work in the field of cosmetic care and a healthy lifestyle;
  • implementation and involvement in formal and non-formal forms of training and further training;
  • ensuring the quality of work processes in the cosmetic industry;
  • use of more demanding topical devices in cosmetics;
  • use of aromatherapy in cosmetics;
  • performing special techniques of pedicure, manicure and make-up;
  • performing various massage techniques and alternative forms of massage.

Assesment and completion:

Examination performance is scored as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10). 


A student who has completed at least the first year in other higher education or academic higher education study programmes may enroll in the second year if at least 40 ECTS required for the first year are recognized in the process of recognizing previously acquired knowledge. If this condition is not met, the transition between study programmes is not possible and the student enrolls in the first year.

Višji kozmetik/višja kozmetičarka



The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.

SOK 7 / EOK 6

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

1. All compulsory modules in the scope of 82 ECTS

  • Communication and Informatics (16 ECTS)
    • Professional terminology in a foreign language (5 ECTS)
    • Business Communication and Management (4 ECTS)
    • Computers and Informatics (4 ECTS)
    • Practical training - communication and informatics (3 ECTS)
  • Basics of cosmetics (17 ECTS)
    • Biochemistry and pharmacognosy (4 ECTS)
    • Anatomy, physiology with basics of pathology (6 ECTS)
    • Microbiology with epidemiology (4 ECTS)
    • Practical education - basics of cosmetics (3 ECTS)
  • Cosmetic care (20 ECTS)
    • Dermatovenerology (4 ECTS)
    • Cosmetology (4 ECTS)
    • Cosmetic care (7 ECTS)
    • Practical education - cosmetic care (5 ECTS)
  • Management and consulting (17 ECTS)
    • Entrepreneurship, marketing and service quality (5 ECTS)
    • Wellness counseling (5 ECTS)
    • Behavioral culture (4 ECTS)
    • Practical training - management and consulting (3 ECTS)
  • Cosmetic devices (12 ECTS)
    • Operation and use of cosmetic devices (8 ECTS)
    • Practical training - cosmetic devices (4 ECTS)

2. One elective module in the range of 14 ECTS

  • Massage techniques (14 ECTS)
    • Reflexology massage (5 ECTS)
    • Alternative massage techniques (5 ECTS)
    • Practical training - massage techniques (4 ECTS) or
  • Aromatherapy (14 ECTS)
    • Use of essential oils (5 ECTS)
    • Aromacosmetics (5 ECTS)
    • Practical training - aromatherapy (4 ECTS) or
  • Special pedicure (14 ECTS)
    • Foot and foot problems (5 ECTS)
    • Special pedicure techniques (5 ECTS)
    • Practical training - special pedicure (4 ECTS) or
  • Healthy lifestyle (14 ECTS)
    • Mental activity and personal relaxation (5 ECTS)
    • Exercise and healthy eating (5 ECTS)
    • Practical education - healthy lifestyle (4 ECTS) or
  • Aesthetics (14 ECTS)
    • Special manicure techniques (5 ECTS)
    • Special make-up techniques (5 ECTS)
    • Practical education - aesthetics (4 ECTS)

3. Free elective course of 5 ECTS

4. Open curriculum in the scope of 14 ECTS

  • Subject (s) of the open curriculum I and II (10 ECTS)
  • Practical training - Open Curriculum I and II (4 ECTS)

5. Diploma thesis in the scope of 5 ECTS

Awarding body:

Višje strokovne šole


Awarding body URL: