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Izdelovalec/izdelovalka kovinskih konstrukcij
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Izdelovalec/izdelovalka kovinskih konstrukcijAdd to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Metal Construction Maker |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Upper secondary vocational education |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Upper secondary vocational education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
3 years
Credits | Credits: 180 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
Engineering, manufacturing and construction
ISCED subfield | subfield: mechanics and metal trades |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 4 |
The holder of the certificate is qualified to:
- use technology and technology procedures for the manufacture of constructions and metal construction elements;
- manufacture different steel construction products and install elements and semi-manufactured products correctly and safely;
- perform transport of construction parts, assemble, protect and maintain constructions and construction elements;
- treat load constructions and use testing procedures;
- correctly select materials and treatment process in the light of product requirements;
- perform basic procedures of welding by fire and soldering as well as sticking of metal and non-metallic materials;
- select appropriate burners, feeder materials and set welding parameters;
- prepare welding edges and clean welding surfaces in compliance with welding procedure requirements and perform visual and dimensional; control of components;
- carry out basic shredding methods, mechanical treatment of materials and corrosion preventing procedures;
- employ technical and technology documentation, technical regulations, standards, tecnical plans and manufacturer’s instructions;
- chose and carry out technological treatment procedures, transformation or joining of materials in the light of material and the purpose of use;
- use measuring and control devices, tools and machines for construction manufacture and assembly;
- carry out and provide for measures aimed at health and safety at work, environment protection, fire safety and accident prevention;
- have a positive attitude towards measures aimed at pollution reduction and environment protection;
- estimate on rational energy use, use of energy resources and waste management;
- cooperate in a group, communicate in writing and orally with co-workers, experts and clients by employing basic professional terminology;
- use modern IT, work with resources, data and materials;
- think entrepreneurially, manage costs and calculations, act responsibly and socially in the working environment.
- select materials and use different equipment for MIG/MAG and TIG welding procedures;
- carry out MIG/MAG/TIG welding procedures and manufacture simple welding compounds.
- use different arc-welding machines and choose basic and feeder elements;
- weld different joints and materials in different positions.
- assess the use of special welding procedures;
- conduct an ecological impact assessment on the use of individual machines, appliances and welding procedures.
In addition, the holder of the certificate also upgraded his/her key professional skills and competences with key general knowledge and skills in line with national standards.
S preverjanjem in ocenjevanjem se ugotavlja, kako dijak obvladuje poklicne zmožnosti, spretnosti in veščine ter kako izpolnjuje pogoje za doseganje kreditnih točk v skladu z izobraževalnim programom. Pri ocenjevanju dijaka se upošteva tudi neformalno pridobljeno znanje, ki mora biti ustrezno dokazano. Dijaki so ocenjeni z ocenami od 5 (odlično) do 1 (nezadostno).
Students may progress to a higher year if at the end of the academic year they achieve a positive score in all general education subjects and technical modules for the year as set out in the school’s operational curriculum, and have completed all extracurricular activities and practical on-the-job training, or progress on the basis of a programme faculty decision.
For students with individual learning agreements, passing an intermediate test is a condition for progression from the second year to the third year.
Secondary technical, vocational or vocational-technical education; master craftsman/foreman/shop manager examination (SQF level 5).
In order to complete the education and obtain the qualification, the student/apprentice must successfully pass with positive grades:
- general education subjects,
- mandatory professional modules,
- one of the optional professional modules,
- open part of the open curriculum.
In addition, he/she must complete:
- other forms of extracurricular activities (active citizenship and interest activities),
- obligations in practical training through work placement,
- intermediate test (applies to apprentice form of education and students with an individual learning contract in the school form of education),
- final exam.
The final exam includes:
written and oral examination of Slovenian language,
presenting and defending a service
Vocational and technical secondary schools and adult education institutions.
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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