Name of qualification Name of qualification: Diplomirani organizator turizma (VS)/diplomirana organizatorka turizma (VS)Add to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Bachelor of Applied Arts in Tourism organisation
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Professional bachelor's degree
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Professional bachelor's education
Duration Duration of education:
3 years
Credits Credits: 180 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:

In order to enrol in the first-cycle higher education professional study of Tourism candidates must have competed school-leaving examination under any four-year secondary school programme or vocational matura or matura.

Enrolment of foreigners in the part-time programme: foreign candidates will be tested on their proficiency in the Slovenian language or asked to provide proof of appropriate Slovenian language proficiency.

ISCED field Field:
ISCED subfield subfield: travel, tourism and leisure
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 7
EQF Level: EQF 6
EOVK Level: First level

Learning outcomes:

The qualification holder will be able to

(general competences):

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the processes in the business environment of an organisation and perform their analysis and synthesis, and anticipate solutions and their effects in the field of services and tourism,
  • demonstrate mastery of research methods, procedures and processes, and develop critical and self-critical assessment,
  • apply the knowledge in the field of services to all business functions,
  • plan and implement changes in an organisation, and understand the effect of organisational changes on people and the environment,
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the legal bases for operation of companies and other EU organisations,
  • work with people and communicate with the management and owners of a company,
  • demonstrate skills of time management, planning, organisation, management and monitoring, and a responsible attitude towards a safe and healthy work environment,
  • autonomously perform professional work and show commitment to professional ethics in business environment,
  • strive for personal development, personal growth and lifelong learning,
  • demonstrate communication skills in international environments;


 (subject-specific competences)

  • understand the basics of macro- and microeconomics, demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts and issues of economics
  • demonstrate knowledge of financial planning and ways of financing a company,
  • demonstrate awareness of the importance of the following connection: organisational structure–company strategy–organisational culture,
  • recognise the role and significance of organising, running and managing a company, perform project work and plan contemporary forms of organising, running and managing a company or an organisation,
  • demonstrate knowledge of the methods of modelling and analysing business processes,
  • recognise the role and significance of tourism within a business entity, develop and organise appropriate professional models in own environment,
  • choose the appropriate statistical method for compiling concrete statistical analyses and interpret the content of their results,
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic and general branches of tourism industry and how it is operated,
  • resolve concrete problems in the fields of wellness, sports, marketing and event management by using appropriate methods and procedures,
  • understand and appropriately apply the knowledge in the fields of tourism, sports and leisure time management,
  • plan, organise and monitor relations and processes in the social and economic environment on a local level, with emphasis on sustainable development,
  • understand the characteristics of international tourist environments and destinations,
  • develop skills and competences of applying knowledge to specific fields of expertise,
  • understand and use information and communication technology and systems in tourism,
  • find, interpret and use relevant information in the field of tourism,
  • connect fundamental knowledge from various fields and apply it in domestic and international business environments.


Assesment and completion:

Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).


Full-time students progress in the second year if they have accumulated a minimum of 45 credits in the first year and they can progress in the third year if they have accumulated a minimum of 45 credits in the second year. In order to take the third-year module examinations, students must pass the examinations, determined in the syllabus as compulsory for the inclusion in work practice.


Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

The first-cycle Bachelor’s degree study programme Tourism is successfully completed when the student has passed all the prescribed requirements from individual compulsory and chosen modules and chosen optional subjects, done a work placement and successfully defended the diploma thesis or alternatively passed two additional examinations. Thereby students accumulate a total of 180 credits and acquire the professional title of diplomirani organizator/diplomirana organizatorka turizma (VS) (Tourism organiser (professional Bachelor’s degree)).

Awarding body:

Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences


Awarding body URL: