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Diplomirani kozmetik (vs)/diplomirana kozmetičarka (vs)
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Diplomirani kozmetik (vs)/diplomirana kozmetičarka (vs)Add to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Bachelor of Applied Science in Cosmetic Science |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Professional bachelor's degree |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Professional bachelor's education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
3 years
Credits | Credits: 180 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
ISCED subfield | subfield: hair and beauty services |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 7 |
The qualification holder are capable of:
(general competences)
- acquiring knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and methods,
- understanding the innovations in the field of expertise,
- critically analysing, synthesising and predicting results and consequences,
- learning about research methods, procedures and processes,
- collecting and interpreting data, developing critical and self-critical judgement,
- applying knowledge in practice and solving problems,
- developing communication skills, especially communication in the international environment,
- cooperating, team work (in an international environment),
- ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics,
(programme-specific competences)
- performing accurate procedures of cosmetic care and individual counselling,
- learning about the effects of age, sex, nutrition and environment on the effects of cosmetics, preparations and procedures,
- learning about different processes and procedures of preparing cosmetic products according to the composition and ingredients of substances, action mechanisms and their effects on the body (improvement of skin tone, functioning of sebaceous glands, prevention of allergies, etc.),
- learning about the ratio between the dose and the effect of a cosmetic product,
- learning about physiological and therapeutic effects of various physical agents on the human organism and choosing the right agent, their application and dosage,
- knowledge of the purposes and therapeutic effects of various classical massage techniques, special massage techniques, lymphatic drainage and complementary techniques (aromatherapy, colour therapy, reflexology, etc. and their proper implementation,
- recognising eating disorders and cellulite issues and treating clients accordingly,
- acquiring knowledge about basic methods and techniques in business communication, marketing and economics,
- determining the impact of the work organisation on the quality of work in a beauty salon, trade activities and in the manufacturing of cosmetic products and preparations,
- having a holistic approach of working with people in aesthetic and medical activities,
- performing health education, including interviewing and counselling,
- obtaining knowledge of safety and health at work regulations as well as environmental protection acts and technical regulations in their area of work,
- learning on their own and being aware of the importance of life-long learning,
- having a positive professional identity.
Students' knowledge is assessed by means of practical exercises and seminar papers, and also via products, projects, performances, services, etc. and by examinations. Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).
In order to advance from the first to the second year, the students must complete the requirements of the study programme from the first year in the amount of 49 ECTS
In order to advance from the second to third year, students must complete the requirements of the study programme from the first and second year in the amount of 47 ECTS.
Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)
Qualification description
Kratek opis
Pri vstopu v kozmetični salon stranko vljudno sprejme, se z njo posvetuje o storitvi, jo pripravi na nego ter izbere in pripravi ustrezne preparate za kozmetično nego obraza in telesa.
Kaj delavec običajno dela
Delo kozmetika je raznoliko. Obsega kozmetično nego celega telesa: nego obraza in telesa, depilacijo in epilacijo, ličenje, limfno drenažo in masažo z alternativnimi masažnimi tehnikami, pedikuro, manikuro in refleksno masažo stopal. Organizira in nadzoruje tudi druge postopke za boljše počutje in lepši videz, kot so turške kopeli, savne in parne kopeli in solariji. Ker izvaja kozmetične negovalne postopke na človeškem telesu, svoje delo opravlja s kar največ odgovornosti, zato mora biti dobro usposobljen in natančen. Že pri vstopu v kozmetični salon stranko vljudno sprejme, se z njo posvetuje o storitvi in vodi evidenco opravljenih storitev. Stranko pripravi na nego, izbere in pripravi ustrezne preparate za kozmetično nego obraza in telesa.
S peeling metodo najprej s površine kože na obrazu ali telesu odstrani nečistoče. Obraz in telo masira z različnimi tehnikami in opravi depilacijo, to je začasno odstranitev odvečnih dlak po obrazu in telesu s pomočjo voskov in smol. Na obraz in telo nanaša maske in obloge z različnimi negovalnimi učinki. Pri delu uporablja kozmetične aparate za nego obraza in telesa, ki s pomočjo elektrike, toplote, pare in svetlobnih žarkov dopolnjujejo kozmetično nego. Stranki skrbno uredi roke in opravi manikuro. Nohte neguje, krajša in oblikuje. Po želji nanaša in oblikuje umetne nohte in nohtom z barvanjem polepša videz. Pri negi nog- pedikuri krajša in oblikuje nohte na nogah, odstranjuje kurja očesa in otiščance. Neguje vraščene nohte ter izdeluje in namešča korekcijske pripomočke za vzdrževanje kar najboljše funkcije nog. Stranki svetuje pravilno izbiro obutve in vaje za krepitev stopalnih mišic.
Kozmetik z aparati za depilacijo trajno odstranjuje odvečne dlake na obrazu in telesu. Na željo stranke z metodo permanentni make-up nanaša obstojna ličila. Opravlja maskerske storitve in sicer nanaša dnevni make-up, uredi stranke za posebne priložnosti (npr. za poroko ali maturantski ples) in fotografiranje ter liči igralce in druge nastopajoče, npr. manekenke, napovedovalce in povezovalce programov. Stranki svetuje, katere kozmetične preparate naj uporablja in na kakšen način naj z njimi neguje obraz in telo, ter jo opozarja na pomen zdrave prehrane.
In order to complete the study programme students need to complete all the requirements of the study programme and obtain a minimum of 180 ECTS.
Independent higher education institute, Higher School of Applied Sciences, Ljubljana
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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