Primary tabs
Diplomirani inženir lesarstva (vs)/diplomirana inženirka lesarstva (vs)
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Diplomirani inženir lesarstva (vs)/diplomirana inženirka lesarstva (vs)Add to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Bachelor of Applied Science in wood technology |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Professional bachelor's degree |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Professional bachelor's education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
3 years
Credits | Credits: 180 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
Engineering, manufacturing and construction
ISCED subfield | subfield: materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 7 |
The qualification holder will be able to:
(general competences)
- demonstrate familiarity with the properties of wood and fibrous composites and their possibilities of use,
- demonstrate understanding of and familiarity with technological processes and production technologies in the woodworking industry,
- integrate theoretical and practical knowledge that enables the implementation, supervision and management of technological wood-processing procedures,
- transfer specialised knowledge into production, particularly new technological solutions, and critically assess and apply theoretical knowledge in practice,
- resolve practical problems in production using scientific methods and interdisciplinary work,
- autonomously implement, supervise and manage technological processes in wood-processing production and resolve problems,
- use information technologies creatively,
- participate in group work and project work, where the emphasis is on social responsibility and professional ethics,
- undertake autonomous professional work and self-critical evaluation,
- communicate with co-workers, management staff, subordinates and the public,
- pursue self-directed learning and professional and personal development and keep abreast of research results,
- use modern tools and skills,
- carry out analyses and practical and applied planning and implement a process through to a finished product,
- carry out pricing analysis of a process, material, technology, sales in a market, occupational safety, etc.,
- demonstrate understanding of and integrate technical, technological, scientific, economic and organisational knowledge,
(subject-specific competences)
- demonstrate mastery of practical skills,
- demonstrate familiarity with the structure and properties of wood and fibre composites,
- determine the serviceability of individual types of wood and fibre composites,
- demonstrate familiarity with the principle of sustainable, rational and optimal use of wood,
- demonstrate familiarity with production technologies in the woodworking industry,
- demonstrate understanding of, integrate and master technologies and technological processes in the woodworking industry,
- systematically monitor sources of professional information and apply it appropriately in production technologies,
- manage wood and fibre composites.
Students' knowledge is assessed by means of practical exercises and seminar papers, and also via products, projects, performances, services, etc. and by examinations. Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).
Students may enrol in the second year if by the end of the academic year they have completed all course units prescribed by syllabuses and accumulated at least 48 credits; for enrolment in the third year they must have completed all first- and second-year course units and accumulated 60 first-year credits and 48 second-year credits (a total of 108 credits).
Diplomirani inženir lesarstva (vs)/diplomirana inženirka lesarstva (vs)
The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.
SQF 8 / EQF 7
Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)
In order to complete the programme, students must complete all course units prescribed by the study programme and subject syllabuses, for a total of 180 credits. Students must write and defend a diploma project.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Bioengineering
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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