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Inženir mehatronike/inženirka mehatronike
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Inženir mehatronike/inženirka mehatronikeAdd to comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Mechatronics engineer |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Short cycle higher vocational diploma |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Short cycle higher vocational education |
Duration |
Duration of education:
2 years
Credits | Credits: 120 credits |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
ISCED field |
Engineering, manufacturing and construction
ISCED subfield | subfield: inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 6 |
Students will be able to:
(general competences)
- demonstrate familiarity with technical/theoretical knowledge in a field, sector or activity,
- manage basic and, in particular, methodologically relevant procedures to resolve technical problems for the development of innovations in work processes, procedures and media and for effective operations,
- use acquired knowledge for successful professional communication in both the domestic and international environments,
- demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the development of production, social development and the development of the environment; develop global awareness of the opportunities, limits and dangers of technological development,
- resolve more complex technical problems in the work process,
- link knowledge from various areas when using and developing new applications,
- carry out tasks in the preparation and control of working processes and, in particular, in the organisation and management of working processes,
- demonstrate mastery of the fundamental categories of enterprise, economics and finance, above all with regard to markets, manufacturing and related resources, and
- develop awareness of the importance of good-quality interpersonal relations and teamwork.
(specific vocational competences)
- acquire the specialised theoretical and practical knowledge for autonomous professional work that is needed in order to prepare and implement tasks in the field of mechatronics at a high level of quality,
- disseminate, enhance and reinforce knowledge from the field of mechatronics and build on the theoretical and practical vocational competences acquired in prior education,
- demonstrate familiarity with basic legislation, standardisation, technical regulations, certification and quality assurance systems in the mechatronics field and other fields tied to the basic activity,
- acquire and disseminate knowledge of mechatronics in connection with economics, management and business communication,
- develop confidence and decisiveness for business decisions and address specific technical issues,
- develop the capacity to autonomously keep abreast of the development of the profession and take the initiative for the introduction of new features in practice,
- develop the capacity to autonomously keep abreast of the development of the field and take the initiative for the incorporation of new developments,
- perfect their knowledge of foreign languages and technical terminology and use them for international cooperation and for keeping abreast of new developments in other countries.
Students' knowledge is assessed by means of practical exercises and seminar papers, and also via products, projects, performances, services, etc. and by examinations. Examination performance is scored as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).
Students may progress to the second year if they have successfully completed first-year modules, subjects and practical training (including practical classes, seminar papers, projects, examinations, etc.) totalling at least 45 credits, where all practical classes and practical training course units must be completed in full.
First-cycle study programmes (SQF, level 7)
In order to complete the programme, students must complete all compulsory modules and subjects for a total of 89 credits: Communications in engineering (20 credits), Basics of mechatronics (20 credits), Mechatronics 1 (20 credits), Basics of economics (8 credits), Mechatronics 2 (21 credits). One of the following elective modules, consisting of 16 credits: Automation (16 credits), Robotics (16 credits), Production systems (16 credits). One of the following elective subjects, consisting of 5 credits: Programming in automation (5 credits), Robotics Systems 1 (5 credits), Computer-supported technologies (5 credits), Development of software applications (5 credits), Electronics in mechatronics (5 credits), Multimedia (5 credits), Drives and mechanisms (5 credits), Logistical mechatronic systems (5 credits), Risk management in engineering (5 credits). A freely elective subject (5 credits) and a bachelor's thesis (5 credits).
Higher Vocational Colleges
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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