Primary tabs
Mojster klepar-krovec/mojstrica kleparka-krovka
Name of qualification | Name of qualification: Mojster klepar-krovec/mojstrica kleparka-krovkaRemove from comparison |
Translated title (no legal status) | Translated title: Master craftsman plumber |
Type of qualification | Type of qualification: Master craftsman |
Category of qualification | Category of qualification: Educational Qualification |
Type of education | Type of education: Upper secondary technical education |
Admission requirements |
Entry conditions:
Fulfilment of one of the following conditions:
ISCED field |
Engineering, manufacturing and construction
ISCED subfield | subfield: building and civil engineering |
Qualification level |
SQF Level:
SQF 5 |
The candidate is able to:
- plan their own work and plan and manage the work of employees in accordance with the technical documentation for the manufacture, repair and maintenance of roofs,
- independently coordinate, organize and lead the employees in the workshop, taking into account the regulations in the field of labor law, the rules of teamwork and leadership skills,
- communicate independently with employees and business partners, taking into account the principles of successful communication and business etiquette using modern information and communication technology,
- comprehensively and responsibly implement, lead and monitor the implementation of regulations and standards regarding safety and health at work and environmental protection principles in the workshop and construction site,
- plan and implement practical education of students and introduction of new employees in the company (content, methodological, didactic and technical),
- monitor the work processes in its business unit to achieve quality standards and implement quality improvement measures in accordance with the quality standards applicable at the construction site, construction site or workshop,
- to ensure the quality and thus also the financial success of its work and products, while respecting the principles of rational use of energy, time and materials and the legality of the business environment,
- to plan the execution of roof constructions and to make workshop drawings for plumbing products by hand or using software tools and taking into account the applicable standards of the profession,
- develop and draw the coats of the most demanding plumbing products by hand or using machines,
- organize, coordinate and lead the execution of roofing and plumbing works and perform the most demanding details on sloping and flat roofs and panel and ventilated facades facades
- check the quality of roofing and plumbing work, identify defects on roofs and participate in determining the method of repair
Members of examination boards for each examination unit separately. Appointed by the minister responsible for education. Appointment may be renewed every 4 years.
Candidates sit a master craftsman examination, which consists of four units:
- a practical unit,
- a technical and theoretical part,
- a business and economics part,
- an education part.
Mojster klepar-krovec/mojstrica kleparka-krovka
The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.
SOK 6 / EOK 5
Diplomirani inženir gradbeništva (un)/diplomirana inženirka gradbeništva (un)
Diplomirani inženir gradbeništva (un)/diplomirana inženirka gradbeništva (un)
Diplomirani inženir gradbeništva (VS)/diplomirana inženirka gradbeništva (VS)
Diplomirani inženir gradbeništva (vs)/diplomirana inženirka gradbeništva (vs)
Diplomirani inženir gradbeništva (vs)/diplomirana inženirka gradbeništva (vs)
Diplomirani inženir okoljskega gradbeništva (un)/diplomirana inženirka okoljskega gradbeništva (un)
SOK 7 / EOK 6
Magister inženir gradbeništva/magistrica inženirka gradbeništva
Magister inženir gradbeništva/magistrica inženirka gradbeništva
Magister inženir okoljskega gradbeništva/magistrica inženirka okoljskega gradbeništva
Magister inženir trajnostnega grajenega okolja/magistrica inženirka trajnostnega grajenega okolja
SOK 8 / EOK 7
Candidates must pass all four units of the master craftsman examination to receive the title of master craftsman.
Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia
Awarding body URL:Upcoming event
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework
International Conference: 10 years of Slovenian Qualifications Framework Brdo Congress Centre, Predoslje 39, 4000...
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