Name of qualification | Magister inženir hortikulture/magistrica inženirka hortikultureAdd to comparison [1] |
Translated title (no legal status) | Master of Science in horticultural engineering |
Type of qualification | Diploma druge stopnje |
Category of qualification | Izobrazba |
Type of education | Master's education |
Duration |
2 years
Credits | 120 credits |
Admission requirements |
ISCED field |
Kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, ribištvo in veterinarstvo
ISCED subfield | |
Qualification level |
SQF 8 |
- analyse horticultural issues, synthesise knowledge and information and envisage potential solutions, their implementation and consequences,
- solve problems through an interdisciplinary approach and analytical thinking, using research methods and various sources, and transfer and use acquired knowledge in practice,
- demonstrate independence and self-criticism in making decisions in complex and unexpected situations, and take responsibility for their consequences for the sustainable development of horticulture and natural resources,
- link together acquired in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and its use in existing and new technological solutions in practice,
- independently and autonomously create improvements to existing technological processes and create new technologies in the field of horticulture,
- master communication skills for open, interdisciplinary dialogue in solving problems and making decisions in the national and international area (EU),
- take professional and ethical responsibility in managing renewable natural resources in the horticulture sector and designing ethical standards in this field,
- pursue team work and openness to innovation on the national and international level; cooperate in various EU institutions that include horticulture,
- know and understand horticulture from the theoretical and practical aspects as an interdisciplinary activity that includes production and maintenance activities and impacts socio-economic dimensions and the appearance of the cultural landscape,
- understand the factors of horticultural development and its importance in context of agriculture and the general economic, social and sustainable development of Slovenia,
- identify and solve specific technological and work problems by selecting appropriate scientific qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g. planning experiments/observations and their evaluation) to implement decisions in independent and group work in the field of horticulture,
- understand the growth and development and specific requirements of horticultural plants and their response to factors of growth and development in natural and agro-ecosystems; link this knowledge and other natural science and social studies knowledge in an interdisciplinary manner in order to apply them to new technological solutions,
- understand the impact of physiological processes (e.g. differentiation of fruiting buds, flowering, fertilisation) on the growth and development of fruit plants, vegetables, grapevines, ornamental and medicinal plants, on the generation of primary (quantity and quality) and secondary metabolites (bioactive substances) and apply this knowledge to improve existing technological solutions and plan new ones,
- understand the general structure of horticulture and the connection between systems of production in fruit growing, wine growing, horticultural gardening, ornamental and medicinal plants,
- identify and solve technological, ecological and organisational problems in the field of horticulture and formulate strategies related directly or indirectly to the existing technology of horticultural plant production,
- plan new technological processes and critically evaluate existing entrepreneurial principles applying modern methods of critical analysis with minimal energy consumption and maximum adherence to sustainable use of environmental resources,
- preserve genetic resources and perform target selection and breeding of new cultivars, be familiar with modern knowledge and methods of genetics, plant breeding and biotechnology,
- know and understand systems of cultivation, annual and life cycles, production methods (integrated, organic) of fruit trees, grapevines, vegetables, ornamental and medicinal plants from the aspect of sustainable use, and develop new skills for more efficient use of renewable resources,
- be familiar with harmful organisms, their functioning and developmental properties related to protection measures in terms of good agricultural practices of plant protection (familiarity with the use of plant protection agents, their selectivity, ecotoxicology, persistence and resistance),
- develop and apply new methods for determining the quality of horticultural products (understanding the primary and secondary plant metabolism), understand the principles of generating and synthesising new information in various fields, its critical analysis regarding specific informational needs in the horticultural context, and include new information in solving problems at various levels,
- understand professional and scientific literature in the field of individual horticultural disciplines,
- search new relevant information using modern information and communication technology and systems and critically evaluate it and apply it logically in the area of horticulture on various decision-making levels.
To enrol in the second year, students must have completed all practical classes and have completed 45 credits.
Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)
To complete their studies, students must meet all requirements for all subjects in which they have enrolled, and produce and defend a master’s thesis.
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty