Name of qualification | Diplomant športnega treniranja (un)/diplomantka športnega treniranja (un)Add to comparison [1] |
Translated title (no legal status) | Bachelor of Arts in sports training |
Type of qualification | Diploma prve stopnje (UN) |
Category of qualification | Izobrazba |
Type of education | Academic bachelor's education |
Duration |
3 years
Credits | 180 credits |
Admission requirements |
ISCED field |
Transport, varnost, gostinstvo in turizem, osebne storitve
ISCED subfield | |
Qualification level |
SQF 7 |
The qualification holder are capable of:
(general competences)
- team work and good communication,
- flexible use of knowledge in practice,
- application of general educational strategies of conduct,
- knowledge and understanding of development laws, differences and needs of individuals,
- understanding individual values and value systems,
- knowledge of code of ethics and expertise,
- general organisational skills,
- knowledge and understanding of the institutional framework of work (requirements, legislation, documents, legal aspects of work in sports),
- information literacy,
- communication in a foreign language,
- knowledge of first aid,
(specific competences)
- understanding the basic anthropological and kinesiological aspects in sport,
- knowledge of health aspects in sport,
- knowledge of physiological aspects in sport,
- knowledge of basic biomechanical aspects of sport,
- application of theoretical concepts of sports training,
- knowledge and understanding of the organisation of sport,
- people skills/being open-minded, consideration of the social circumstances of sport,
- mastering sport skills, knowledge and competitive experience in the selected sports industry,
- planning, organisation, implementation and supervision of sports training,
- knowledge about athletes and their development characteristics,
- knowledge of educational and didactic aspects of the process of exercise,
- management of appropriate diagnostic procedures in the field of expertise,
- understanding and application of the rules of officiating in the selected sports industry,
- understanding and knowledge of the development of sports,
- knowledge of rescuing from water,
- understanding competitive systems and organisations of competitions,
- communication and management of athletes and teams,
- cooperation and communication with parents of athletes, officials, judges, agents and the media.
Students can advance from the 1. to 2. year by accumulating 54 credit points in the first year.
Students can advance from 2. to 3. year by accumulating 60 credit points in the 1. year and 54 points in the 2. year.
Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)
Students need to complete all the requirements of the programme and the curriculum in the amount of 180 ECTS and produce a graduate thesis.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport