Name of qualification | Magister farmacije/magistrica farmacijeRemove from comparison [1] |
Translated title (no legal status) | Master of Pharmacy |
Type of qualification | Diploma druge stopnje |
Category of qualification | Izobrazba |
Type of education | Master's education |
Duration |
5 years
Credits | 300 credits |
Admission requirements |
In order to enrol in the integrated master’s programme Pharmacy, candidates must have completed:
All candidates must demonstrate the knowledge of the Slovenian language at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) with the relevant certificate. |
ISCED field |
Zdravstvo in socialna varnost
ISCED subfield | |
Qualification level |
SQF 8 |
The qualification holder will be able to:
General competences
The programme with modern teaching methods and by intertwining contents of the subjects with skills, acquired within experimental practical exercises and other practical training, gives students the ability to:
- analyse, critically evaluate, seek solutions and resolve concrete technical pharmaceutical, clinical-biochemical, pharmaceutically technological, pharmaceutically biotechnological and toxicological problems that arise in various work environments,
- continue education and training on a PhD level, by having the appropriate breadth of knowledge,
- responsibly carry out technical work and analyse technical issues in an autonomous manner,
- individually carry out technical work, work in groups, demonstrate knowledge needed in professional communication with patients and experts in their and other related fields,
- demonstrate knowledge relevant for understanding and use of modern techniques and methods in all levels of complexity, useful in the entire pharmaceutical and clinical-biochemical fields.
- ensure the quality of medicines and procedures;
- demonstrate an appropriate, ethically formed personality for the position of a pharmacist.
Subject-specific competences
Graduates have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in relation to:
- active substances from planning, synthesis, analysis, isolation, characterisation to biological evaluation,
- bio-pharmaceutical characteristics of a medicine and pharmaco-kinetic and pharmaco-dynamic characteristics of an active substance in an organism,
- pharmaceutical forms from planning the forms, classic technological and nanotechnological procedures of design/manufacture to evaluation and monitoring of pharmaco-technological characteristics of medicines
- transferring technological processes from a laboratory to an industrial level,
- selection, implementation, validation of appropriate methods of analysis, interpretation of the obtained results,
- knowledge of toxicological characteristics of pharmaceutical materials,
- governance of research and development, project management, and knowledge and information management in pharmaceutical industry,
- analytical methods and interpretation of results in clinical biochemical laboratories, and their usability in diagnostics, diseases causes detection and monitoring the effects of treatment,
- medicinal treatment,
- professional implementation of advisory and educational functions in service of medicines,
- legislation, regulation and ethics in the field of medicine manufacture and marketing.
Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).
Students may progress to the next year if by the end of the academic year they have completed all requirements defined by the study programme for progression to the next year.
In order to progress to the second year, students must have fulfilled all the study requirements prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling 60 credits for the first year.
In order to progress to the third year, students must have fulfilled all the study requirements prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling 60 credits for the second year.
In order to progress to the fourth year, students must have fulfilled all the study requirements prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling 54 credits.
In order to progress to the fifth year students must have fulfilled all the requirements of the fourth year, prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling a minimum of 55 credits. The missing requirements must not include the subject Pharmacology.
Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)
Students may progress to the next year if by the end of the academic year they have completed all requirements defined by the study programme for progression to the next year.
In order to progress to the second year, students must have fulfilled all the study requirements prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling 60 credits for the first year.
In order to progress to the third year, students must have fulfilled all the study requirements prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling 60 credits for the second year.
In order to progress to the fourth year, students must have fulfilled all the study requirements prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling 54 credits.
In order to progress to the fifth year students must have fulfilled all the requirements of the fourth year, prescribed by the programme and syllabuses totalling a minimum of 55 credits. The missing requirements must not include the subject Pharmacology.
The change is valid for enrolments in higher years from the academic year 2014/2015 onwards.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy